Life Coaching
Personal Sessions

Set Loving Intentions, Listen to your Intuition, Ask for what you need, and put it into Action.
Creating Divine Order Within
Mastering the 8 Spheres of Ascension
Online Group Class

It's time to harmonize with your
highest DIVINE SELF!
Create Divine Order Within you, and embody the love and wholeness that you already are beloved!
Clear and balance the layers of your mental, emotional and physical bodies.
Tune in to the subtler frequencies of your psychic, energetic and spiritual bodies.
Ascend to the ethereal layer, beyond the body.
Connect with the One Source of Creator, as we evolve into more loving beings, co-creating from our divine harmony within!
How will this change my life for the better?
Are you tired of trying to "manifest" things?
⭐ Transform your blockages, into doorways and opportunities
⭐ Create more love and abundance in your life
⭐ Develop or sharpen your intuitive abilities and inner knowing
⭐ Tune in to and balance your energetic body
⭐ Clear and release what is blocking you from success, love and joy
⭐ Receive healing beyond anything you’ve ever experienced before
⭐ Learn how to move from being a victim of life into being a powerful co-creator
⭐ Tap into your higher self, spirit guides, and Creator Spirit
⭐ Experience major transformation of your life
⭐ Work with a 5-star ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ intuitive healer, channeler and guide with 25+ years experience and teaching
⭐ Harmonize and balance the 8 spheres of your being, and begin the sacred path of ascension and the DIVINE ORDER OF SELF
⭐ Learn how to harmonize your inner being to create from within.
⭐ Replace the word "manifest" with "create."
⭐ Are you tired of waiting for something to "line up" in your life because you did this or that correctly?
⭐ Start choosing to create your life with harmony.
⭐ This is not law of attraction, this is the Law of Creation.
⭐ Learn how to truly become an empowered creator, instead of listening to recycled "manifestation coaching courses."
⭐ This is about YOU, harmonizing, clearing and balancing all the layers and spheres of your being so that you can create the life you want.
⭐Get down to the energetic core of what you came here to do.
⭐ Discover, nurture and balance what is blocking you.
⭐ Learn practical tools and techniques for being in harmony on all levels, in order to create the life you desire.
⭐ Choose the vibration. Be the vibe.
⭐ Work with an intuitive coach that can pinpoint exactly where, and how to clear what is stopping you and how to harmonize with the life you desire.
What does the course include?
⭐ Online course, move at your own pace!
⭐ 32+ Pre-recorded audio channelings and meditations, plus writing exercises
(3-5 audios/week for 8 weeks)
⭐ LIVE Zoom classes with group chat (1/month) (recorded live, in case you miss it)
⭐ Receive a one-on-one intuitive guidance session that addresses all lifetimes, ancestral lineage and timelines of your being, and all 8 Spheres of Ascension, with Cindy Bowen & The Shashastra (Starlight) Collective
⭐ Receive a free copy of the self-help e-book Zero to Oneness
⭐ Private online group support and motivation
⭐ Remain a member of the active community and online group indefinitely. As new members go through the process, old members can repeat lessons or continue to grow with the group!
How do I achieve Divine Order Within? mastering and balancing your 8 Spheres of Ascension which include:
MENTAL - Be Clear (of anger, fear and doubt)
I create based on what I BELIEVE, not what I DESERVE. I CREATED THIS!
Transforming and clearing anger, fear and doubt into clarity of mind.
EMOTIONAL - Love + Intention = Creation
I create based on how I FEEL. I honor and own my worth. I set healthy boundaries in order to cultivate self-love and being my best, radiant self.
Self-love = Clear Emotion of Love. Love is the creative force!
Align with love that will fuel your intentions and be a powerful attractor of your desire.
PHYSICAL - Clear Mind + Clear Emotion = Healthy Body
I choose to nurture my body. I love my body.
Once the mental and emotional bodies are clear and aligned, your physical body will balance and radiate.
PSYCHIC - Clear Mind, Emotion, & Body = Clear Listening to Intuition
I allow the words to flow without judgment. I open myself to receive the wisdom.
With clear mind, emotion and body you are able to listen to and discern your intuition and inner knowing.
ENERGETIC - Clear Mind, Emotion, Body & Intuition = VIBRATIONAL SELF
I invite the divine, loving creator into the places where I need balancing and harmony in my energy body. I release energy that is not mine and no longer serves me.
Tapping into intuition will allow you to sense and feel the subtle energies in your body and all around you.
SPIRITUAL - Ask and Commune with Spirit
I communicate with the loving spirit within me and allow it to show me the most harmonious and effortless way.
Taking your aligned sensing and inner knowing one step further to commune and connect with your higher self, your inner light-filled spirit.
ETHEREAL - Moving Beyond the Self and Ego - Going Deeper Into the Void
I let go of my attachments to physical things and open to the infinite oneness of possibilities and connection to the all.
Moving beyond the body, beyond the self, into the limitless ether of space and the unified field of one consciousness and awareness that connects us all.
CREATOR / SOURCE - Connecting With the One Self = Oneness
I AM a creator being, I am connected to the greater intelligence of love, that is love.
Connect with the One Consciousness, the One Soul, the One Source that is within and without each of us.
About Cindy
Cindy Bowen is an Award-Winning Author, 5 star Intuitive Healer & Life Coach, Yoga Instructor, Craniosacral Therapist, Physical Therapist Assistant, and chosen Earth Guardian with the Mamos.
Cindy channels and interprets for the Shashastra (Starlight) Collective, who are the keepers and watchers of love and light on the Earth. Cindy and The "Sha" are here to bring about The Great Harmonization of global unity and Oneness, through assisting souls to find Divine Order Within, by mastering the 8 Spheres of Ascension, for the greater good of the planet and ascension for all.
Her children’s book Playing with Gaia won 2 gold medals from the Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards and the Mom’s Choice Awards. She is also the author of Zero to Oneness self-help e-book.
Cindy offers online classes, workshops and retreats to help you connect with your inner being and create the life and the Earth you desire.
Personal Intuitive Energy Balancing sessions are also by request.
Enjoy this refreshing insight and wisdom as you grow and connect with your
higher self, intuitive sensing, the powerful creator within you,
spirit guides and the one creator.
Experience these powerful meditations, self-help exercises, and
contemplation, as you work through your blocks and harmonize your
frequency and life with love, abundance and inner creative power.
Create the life you desire and become the person know you are meant to be!

During this course, you can move at your own pace, with or without the group.
I am simply here to support you along your journey and make it organic and fun for you!
I look forward to growing and expanding into greater love and alignment with you!
Cindy Bowen
Start Creating Divine Order & Harmony Within You!

So what's blocking you from being in total harmony with your fullest potential and your divine self?
What people are saying about the
Divine Order Within course

I love this so much. I have followed Abraham Hicks (and the law of attraction) but it has felt incomplete to me and I love this perspective. The "harmonization" (using harmony as your guide through life) makes so much sense to me !

As a doctor, my whole life is built around science. On the path to try and stop my logical brain when I dont need it. Thank you for your guidance. ❤️

I found Cindy and her shared wisdom through this course to be a wonderful balance of spiritual empowerment and practical practices to deepen your connection to self, the Earth and Source.
Thank you 🙏🏼!

Cindy is kind, compassionate, extremely knowledgeable and helpful. What she shared in our first (intuitive healing) session, led to a big breakthrough in my healing journey. I have signed up for more sessions and look forward to them!

Honestly, amazing!