Life Coaching
Personal Sessions

Set Loving Intentions, Listen to your Intuition, Ask for what you need, and put it into Action.

About Cindy Bowen
Cindy Bowen
is an Award-Winning Author,
5 star Intuitive Healer & Life Coach, Yoga Instructor, Craniosacral Therapist, Physical Therapist Assistant, and chosen Earth Guardian with the Mamos.
Cindy channels and interprets for the Shashastra (Starlight) Collective, who are the keepers and watchers of love and light on the Earth.
The "Sha" are here to bring about
The Great Harmonization of global unity and Oneness, through assisting souls to find
Divine Order Within, by mastering the 8 Spheres of Ascension, for the greater good of the planet and ascension for all.
Her children’s book Playing with Gaia won
2 gold medals from the Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards and the Mom’s Choice Awards. She is also the author of Zero to Oneness self-help e-book.
Cindy offers many online classes, workshops and retreats to help you connect with your inner being and create the life and the Earth you desire.
Personal Intuitive Energy Balancing sessions
are available by request.